Autophagy Path

Welcome to Autophagy Path

Pinnelli Swamy - Autophagy Practitioner

Reduce your body weight and health complications with the help of Food. We provide healthy diet and lifestyle plans as part of the Autophagy Process.


Know about the Autophagy Path!

What is Autophagy?

Autophagy is a self-healing mechanism at the cellular
level that, when achieved, can change the complete
health perspective of your whole life for the BEST. In
other words, cellular Autophagy is referred to as the process of recycling and removing the debris at cellular level at the same time. This process of Autophagy is holistic health way of living. Induced Autophagy has its health advantages at all times.

Benefits of Autophagy

Different ways to activate Autophagy

Low Carbohydrate Diet

Low-Carbohydrate Diet

Carbohydrates are easily digestible. They are very low in Fiber content. Therefore, when we take them, they can create a unsolicited imbalance in our sugar levels. Sugar levels in our blood are likely to drop immediately after consuming food that is high in Carbohydrates. As a result, you may feel hungry within a short span of 1 to 2 hours, thereby creating an urge to eat again. A low carbohydrate diet may enable autophagy in cells.
High Fat Diet

High-Fat Diet

People do think that fats are not good for health. When you are ready to think outside of the box, it is emphasized that you need few good fats from various sources in the form of nuts, eggs, saturated fats in moderation. Once you take them in a suggested fasting approach, you keep burning away all those Carbohydrates for want of generation of ketones in your body. Good fat consumption is part of this autophagy diet.
Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Here, we would like to give much emphasis on Intermittent Fasting. This is one of the BEST tools for the body to burn out all the bad fats accumulated in your body. When you start burning fat, the glucose levels in the blood also start dropping. Resultantly, the body starts utilizing the fat it had already stored earlier. Ultimately, you start losing your body weight. It is one of the autophagy pathways. Intermittent Fasting is one of the autophagy markers.

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Pinnelli Swamy Autophagy Practitioner

About Me

Care About Food
For Your Health

My year joining the prestigious Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was 1984. I served this Great Department for almost 25 years in different parts of India. I took voluntary retirement in 2009. Because of my “take-it-for-granted attitude” towards life soon after my retirement, precisely two years ago, I weighed almost 85 KGs. Even though I was regularly exercising for absolute fitness, I was unable to find out the truth hidden behind why I was Morbidly Overweight. 


Our Clients Say


    Thank you Pinnelli Veera Raghava Swamy, I came out of that session feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder again! I feel like I am going to break a huge barrier, one that not only impacts on work life but my personal life too. I honestly can’t tell you how much I am getting from these sessions. I can see why you do what you do, you rock!!


      I started talking to Pinnelli Veera Raghava Swamy at a time when I’d already decided to make a big change in my life – give up all my work and go to live 250 miles away. But while I was clear that I wanted to leave I was much less clear about what things might really be like once I’d done it, and that’s when I got in touch with Pinnelli Veera Raghava Swamy.

        Asha - Gangadhara Rao

        Pinnelli Veera Raghava Swamy's coaching has helped me in a way no testimonial can really ever cover – but I’ll do my best. I worked with Pinnelli Veera Raghava Swamy on a balance of work/life issues – from stress/anxiety through to delegation and personal performance.